Breakfast for bush rats
It wasn’t me who eat the breakfast bread rolls said the bush rat as he scurried up the side of the tent.
Fishing on Sandbanks
It was an early start today, the day is one of those perfect dawns with the passage like a mirror in the warm morning air. Cuppa tea in hand, Harley and I headed up the still waters to check the crab pots. The geology of the passage is channels and shoals, at high tide most…
Off Fishing for the Weekend
[singlepic id=104 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=right]We had planned for weeks, the weather was forecast in the high 20’s centigrade. Preparation for the trip included me hammering and banging in the shed by me, with the normal gear reconciliation and quarter master activities that Ali is in charge of. Expectations are high, this will be a great fishing weekend. My…
Big Game Fishing
Today was Big Game fishing, Chris and I went out around 12:30 to join another group of likely lads to see if we could catch any large game fish. Our pickup was 12:30 but when he turned up it was about 12:45, you can expect this and he turned up in a green ute with,…
[singlepic id=122 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=left]Rain this morning, it hasn’t stopped us fishing we carry with us blue plastic ponchos that wrap as small as a handkerchief. They keep you dry, however are in the way when fishing. The river is still again and the rain gone by just on ten in the morning. Our catch…