Amelia Earhart Memorial Lae PNG
Amelia Earharts last flight doesn’t matter here. Its of no importance to the locals and I guess most of them don’t know who she was and her importance in aviation development and modern western women. The struggles of Papua New Guinea are much more fundamental than that.
Off Fishing for the Weekend
[singlepic id=104 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=right]We had planned for weeks, the weather was forecast in the high 20’s centigrade. Preparation for the trip included me hammering and banging in the shed by me, with the normal gear reconciliation and quarter master activities that Ali is in charge of. Expectations are high, this will be a great fishing weekend. My…
Dinner was as good as the view
Earlier in the week we had planned to take the back roads right around the island, but some how fallen short of this goal, so today we decided to take as much of the inside road as possible, it was much quieter on these roads and they are very good. I noted the radio station…
Right on the Beach for lunch
Today was definitely a low energy day, we went for a ride around the island so that my better half got a good run on her motor scooter before we handed it back, we combined this with a trip to the shops for a few bits and pieces, and included lunch at a small restaurant…
Wednesday is very sore day
Wednesday is very sore day, after our scramble over the island the mission accomplished, today’s objective is trying to get the body convinced it can do simple things like walk. We went to town to buy groceries and find somewhere nice for lunch. That’s the plan. Because we could, we decided to go around the…