Amelia Earhart Memorial Lae PNG
Amelia Earharts last flight doesn’t matter here. Its of no importance to the locals and I guess most of them don’t know who she was and her importance in aviation development and modern western women. The struggles of Papua New Guinea are much more fundamental than that.
Lae Markets
The people are extremely friendly, when the camera came out, people lined up to get their photos taken.
Shopping in Lae
The shopping experience in Lae is a little different to Mayfair London, Ginza Tokyo or 5th Avenue New York.
Going to Lae PNG
“Where are you going for Christmas” “PNG” “Why would you go to PNG?” “Because we have family there” “Isn’t it dangerous” You are now regaled with a litany off horrific stories involving muggings, murders, riots and rapes from almost everybody that’s been associated with PNG. When we mention we are not staying in “Moresby” but going…
Dinner was as good as the view
Earlier in the week we had planned to take the back roads right around the island, but some how fallen short of this goal, so today we decided to take as much of the inside road as possible, it was much quieter on these roads and they are very good. I noted the radio station…