Lake Park – Kuala Lumpur
It is 03 June 2006 and yesterday evening I went and walked around the Lake Gardens until it got nearly dark. The gardens were an interesting place, to look at. The park is very colonial in design and it was in complete up roar as it was being over hauled. In true Malaysian style they…
Duaringa Hotel
It was close to 9am by the time we left Charters Towers on Saturday morning. We are all fueled up and on the road south to Emerald. Much the same scenery as yesterday, but with a few more cars and less road trains. We drove through Emerald just after 2pm, so we agreed on 3.30…
Kuranda to Charters Towers via Australia’s smallest pub
We ordered a bottle of wine, and the girl serving us went out the back for it. She couldn’t find the one we wanted, so she went to the bottle store for it. We got it at the bottle store, price instead of the over the counter price, which is usually a few dollars dearer.…
Port Douglas
After rather a slow start to the day, we piled into the car and headed north for a day trip to Port Douglas. What beautiful scenery as we drive round the hills, with the road running beside the beach. Getting back into tourist country again, seeing caravans and vans with plates from NSW and Victoria…