Author: vherring

  • Fuel Prices

    Regardless of the fuel prices it occurred to me recently that there are some rat bags in the industry that consistently over charge for fuel and it’s not the small guys. Recently I was driving through Gympie in QLD and my fuel price, observations were diesel as my vehicle uses diesel.  I had purchased fuel…

  • First Trip to Turkey Beach

    First Trip to Turkey Beach

    The missus and I joined the Bribie RSL Fishing club at the beginning of the month and immediately joined them in a fish of the ocean beach on Bribie for whiting. Whiting is a small long fish which is nice eating. I caught nothing. The other half caught an undersized one. Talking to other members,…

  • Christmas Island for Christmas

    Christmas Island for Christmas

    The reason for travelling to Christmas Island at Christmas is to see the red crab migration, it hadn’t occurred to me to study this in any great detail before leaving and so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. If I was honest , I was probably hoping for a bit of a fishing trip,…

  • 20160601 Boondooma

    20160601 Boondooma

    This is the first time we had put up the camper for real, actually live home sleeping in it and all. We had put it up in the garden but we had taken best part of a day to do it, then to top it off some poles had jammed. Oh well, we boxed on…

  • So this is Korea

    So this is Korea

    The ride from the airport to the Holiday Inn was very interesting. My driver would drive up behind other cars in his lane at about 110 Kilometres and then turn on his hazard lights and headlights and flash them until the car in front would move over. I never understood why, but it helped move…