[singlepic id=113 w=320 h=240 mode=watermark float=left]We got up at six with first light of the day, the day started somewhat slowly; most of us were still suffering from yesterday’s big effort. Our plan was to canoe to campsite 15, which is the end of the campsites, and about an hour from our site 8 camping ground. We ended up well beyond campsite 15 and we found our way back casting a line.

Although the rod action isn’t high there is something magic about fishing in these waters, The river narrows with the bush and blackness of the water become one as we paddled well beyond campsite 15. We returned slowing casting at the promising structures, reed bends and stream entries on our slow return to our base,

The water was perfectly still, it had dropped substantially since yesterday and with bright sun and no wind it was like a mirror. There are places where it was hard to tell where the bank ended and the river started as the reflections disguised the boundaries.

Charlie had success going up the river with trawling and Al and I caught two small fish each by casting into the reeds on our way home restoring our faith in the river. By the time we returned home the river had dropped again, we had caught fish and everybody’s spirits are high.